Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dear Mr. President

So the Obama machine (I would call it an administration, but let’s be honest—it’s more similar to an army howitzer, bulldozing through the Constitution and all of our inherent rights) planted people in the town hall crowd yesterday to promote the Obama Wealthcare, I mean, healthcare plan.

Does this really surprise anyone?

Honestly, no president that I can recall has promised more and delivered less. A reference to Jekyll and Hyde is like comparing an anthill to Mount Everest. He promised “change” and that is just about the only truth to come out of his mouth since…well, maybe ever.

Americans raced to the voting booths in November (50% of voters did not pay taxes last year mind you) and penciled in their country’s “savior”. He feels a lot more like a villain to me—and not just when the teleprompter technician falls asleep.

He was the man who would end big government, and weed out the wealthy crooks from the hard-working blue collar citizens who deserved more…and they got it—more taxes for more government programs than ever before.

But don’t forget, this man who has spent more money in his first six months in office than every other president combined, rushed to sign his book deal before he took the oath in front of the nation’s Capitol building, sparing himself a substantial amount of taxes.

Apparently we all need to sacrifice a little bit more—live within our means—unless we’ve earned it by lying our way into the most powerful position in the world…then you should probably treat your wife to $300,000 date to the theatre...courtesy of the American citizens.

P.S. Barak, you’re not very good at the “doom and gloom” game, either. You are so much better at smiling and promising hope, and then hijacking our paychecks to pay back all of the worthless, crime-ridden government programs who helped get you into office. Your ratings would look a lot better, too.

But you couldn’t resist, could you? You couldn’t resist the control and power. You will be replaced in 2012, unless you pull an Ayatollah on all of us (which I do not doubt at this point). Unfortunately, you’ve already left your mark, or better put, your geyser on this nation’s history. With any luck you will have sold our children and grandchildren into Chinese slavery—well done!

Just another day at the office…for another slimy, all-too-smooth, politician. That is all you are—a politician.

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