Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let Go and Let God

I wrote this back on October 13th, 2009. I was flipping through one of my notepads when I discovered it and realized I never put it on the old blog page.

There is no greater way to set yourself free than to “let go and let God”! Why do we try so hard to have things our way when there is Someone who knows much better what we need, and where we should go? Why don’t we listen to the all-present Truths He has given us first-hand?

He made us in the Likeness and Image of Himself. Why do we deny our true identity to become something we are not?

Without God nothing would exist! Not our music, our pictures, our ability to write, read and reason. Then why do we refuse to use all He gave us to give back to Him?

We do it because Adam and Eve ate the apple. Since then He has given us the choice, and He wants us to choose Him. And choose Him we must!

Love and GOD Forever!
Anthony Paul

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