In light of the unfolding events in Cleveland politics, I urge everyone close and far away from me to pray. Please pray for Jimmy Dimora, his family, his friends, those close to the allegations, and those far away. Certain things "come to light" as the hour glass sifts towards a bottom-heavy weight, but what is human and what is Divine is often misconstrued. Now is a time for compassion, not hate. Now is a time to look in the mirror as you brush your teeth this morning, and ask yourself, "Am I perfect?" You and I both know the answer; it's rhetorical. Nothing great has ever been accomplished by malice, or callous judgment. We are all faced with demons every day. Sometimes it's just a chocolate chip cookie, other times it's a slew of worldly pleasures. A real human being stops, listens, and offers love and compassion, no matter the personal gain or loss, in hopes of the betterment of his or her companion. The ultimate goal in this life is to reach the Presence of The Creator and His Home--Heaven. The next goal shall always be to bring as many other souls with us. Earthly justice should be served, if deserved, but that is NO reason to turn our hearts and souls away from the Grand Prize. I seek for this to be a life lesson to me, you, and as many people as you share this piece with. We err, as humans, always have, but only the Father decides who is left out and who is left in. Please just pray that we are all invited In.
Love and GOD Forever,
Anthony Paul